Tuesday 16 July 2013

no weddings or funerals this time but tea, sea and crocodiles ..

It seems like ages since I last posted on this blog because I have been busy and have been all over the place and had Sally visiting me for an extended stay which has been great but now she is gone so its back to normal time !

its there on the log
What have I done - there seems to have been a bit of social whirl but most of my new friends will be leaving shortly - end of project time so its going to be a bit lonely again . Llet me tell you what I have been up to.   We went on  a spectacular trip down the River Nelawali - we saw crocodiles by the ton - babies and huge great 20foot long ones - unfortunatley that picture didn't come out but look at the baby one - its on the log!  There were eagles and kingfishes and peacocks and a water monitor - the river was all but deserted - so impressive - it was fantastic and something that more people should do!

Ahoy Cap'n

 I have finally met the chair of the women's chamber who is a dynamic and rather wild Sri Lankan lady called Kumari - she nd her husband own a hotel and a tea estate and Sally and I were invited to visit the tea estate at Morawaka.  It was amazing - so peaceful and cool even (well some of the time ) We had tour of the  tea factory and of course got to sample some of the tea which is quite delicious .  The flowers and vegeatables that they grow there are amazing and they have  school for the plantation workers' children which is a bit basic but it's a school and the children seemed really happy.  Kumari and Sumedha were great hosts and we had a great time.

look how green this is

could it be an avocado or something else?

birds of paradise just growing all over
this vegetable garden would make my dad happy

 Before that there was a VSO meeting in Colombo so we went up for the weekend after we ran a workshop on employment skills .  This was a workshop done in English - we had been assured that all the students could speak English and would understand what we said - out of 8 attendees only 3 could speak anything like adequate english - have you ever tried running an interactive workshop with people who do not understand what you are talking about.  Add to that the fact that two of the girls were accompanied by their mothers who sat at the back and two of the attendees had learning difficulties! It was a challenge - I got the CEO to come and translate and we got through - the best part was teaching them about handshakes !  A real experience - they all got certificates at the end which had to be signed by three board members so the driver had to drive round Matara to get the signatures while the class waited.  lets hope my next English class is a little more straighforward/ 
Anyway in Colombo we went out with the other volunteers the night before the meeting and we had wine - quite an event for me! The meeting was really interesting - there was talk on the ecomomy of Sri lanka which was fascinating - did you know that China is the biggest investor in Sri Lanka - it gives 1.01billion in investment but only 0.01 is for aid.  Most of that has to be paid back somehow.  Then there was a talk on a project in Jaffna - with pictures that made me really want to go there .  Then a talk on architecture ( a bit random but really interesting) and then it was off to the tea estate.
ladies who lounge at Atugam Bay

The following weekend we went to Arugam Bay - which has the best and calmest sea I have ever swum in - it was idyllic to say the least.  They say it is a surfing beach but the surf was not up (as they say) when we were there .  We stayed in a fantastic place with a little bar in the garden - we had a great time marred only by the rather gruelling 8 hour bus journey to get there .  Do you know that no matter what time of day you get on a bus in Sri Lanka it is crowded - we managed to get a seat but then spent the next 8 hours with someone's crotch, bosom, shoulder, bag or elbow in our faces! it was worth it though.

We had the staff at the chamber round for lunch to say goodbye to Sally - they bought her a 3D elephant picture (I say nothing) .  We ran out of rice - they eat so much rice  and they were nearly an hour late but hey - I think we got away with it (as Sally would say). 
Work continues to be frustrating but I have more english classes lined up and now that Kumari is involved the tourist information project is developing nicely and I really think we can think about opening at least a desk in the office in September . VSO gave a small grant to help us with the publications so there is hope.  Janet and Josie (my sister and her daughter ) are coming in 2 weeks so that will be excellent and I am looking forward to going to lots of new places with them - we have a Tony Tour booked (he is the guy that took Joe and I on a tour when I first got here) . 
I am loving it still and cannot believe I am about half way through my experience - its just gone so quickly .  I am expecting to be a bit busier at work over the next few weeks - I will miss the Americans and my Sri Lankan friends who will be leaving Matara in the next few weeks but I will just have to make new contacts and keep on being optimistic ...........................

A normal breakfast at my house 

our cabana at AB
Arugam Bay - paradise!

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